Campus Biotech, Chem. des Mines 9, Geneva
08:15 - 14:00
Trust Village Official Opening
4 June 2024
Join us on 4 June 2024 at the Campus Biotech for the Official Opening of the Trust Village, Trust Valley's new incubator dedicated to digital trust and cybersecurity early-stage companies.

08:15 (30 minutes)
Welcome Coffee
08:45 (25 minutes)
Welcome & Opening Remarks

- Ambassador Thomas Greminger
- Executive Director - Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)

- Lennig Pedron
- CEO - Trust Valley

- Anne-Caroline Pissis Martel
- Director of Global Fellowship Initiative and Creative Spark - Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)

- Thomas Schneider
- Ambassador and Director of International Relations - Swiss Federal Office of Communication (OFCOM)

- Vincent Subilia
- General Director - Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCIG)
09:10 (10 minutes)
How to Govern Artificial Intelligence?

- Thomas Schneider
- Ambassador and Director of International Relations - Swiss Federal Office of Communication (OFCOM)
09:20 (45 minutes)
How to Fight Disinformation in an AI-driven World?
Discussion on ways to fight AI-powered disinformation and fraud, looking at technologies and strategies that can effectively address these issue.

- Francesca Bosco
- Chief of Strategy - Cyber Peace Institute

- Fabrice Boudou
- Director Information Technology Solutions Division - WTO

- Marc Meignier
- Technology Sales Leader - Oracle Switzerland

- Jean-Marc Rickli
- Head of Global and Emerging Risks - Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)

- Thomas Schneider
- Ambassador and Director of International Relations - Swiss Federal Office of Communication (OFCOM)

- Philippe Stoll
- Senior Techplomacy Delegate - International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC

- Sofia Yan
- Co-founder and CGO - Numbers Protocol
10:10 (30 minutes)
Coffee break
10:40 (10 minutes)
Presentation of Trust Village's Residents
Presentation of the 15 early-stage companies incubated at the Trust Village Geneva.

- Flaminia Giuncato
- Operations and Startups Manager - Trust Valley

- Mayde Rodriguez
- Cybersecurity and Startups Coordinator - Trust Valley
10:50 (45 minutes)
Quantum Technology: Present Applications and Outlook
Exploration of the latest advancements and outlook for quantum technologies.

- Philippe Caroff
- Executive Director, EPFL Center for Quantum Science and Engineering (QSE) - EPFL

- Marieke Hood
- Executive Director Impact Translator - GESDA

- Thomas Landis
- COO & Head Accelerator - QAI Ventures

- Grégoire Ribordy
- CEO - ID Quantique
11:35 (10 minutes)
The role of innovations to create a safe, secure and responsible digital economy
Fireside chat

- Stéphane Duguin
- Chief Executive Officer - Cyber Peace Institute

- Thomas Maillart
- Senior Lecturer - Univerisity of Geneva

- Pascal Marmier
- Unlimitrust Campus Director - SICPA

- Tamara Nanayakkara
- Counsellor - WIPO

- Guillaume Pahud
- Global Head of Digital Hub - SGS
11:45 (5 minutes)
Closing remarks

- Lennig Pedron
- CEO - Trust Valley
12:00 (120 minutes)
Cocktail, networking & visit of the Trust Village
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Trust Village Opening Ceremony
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