Trust & AI Forum
20 September 2023
Join us on 20 September 2023 for the Trust & AI Forum, an event to explore the intersections of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital trust. The Trust & AI Forum aims to provide a broad reflection on the impact of AI in the trust economy, focusing on the challenges and opportunities, as well as the ethical and social implications of recent technological developments. This event is part of the Digital Trust Forum event series, which brings together worldwide c-level executives, public officials and renowned academic institutions, as well as entrepreneurs, to reflect and share knowledge on key topics in the digital trust space.


- Lauranne Macherel
- Deputy Secretary General - Economy of Trust Foundation

- Lennig Pedron
- CEO - Trust Valley

- Yohann Perron
- Innovation Advisor - Innovaud
Examination of the role of trust in AI, the importance of ethics and regulatory frameworks, and the practical translation of ethical principles in AI technology

- Sasha Rubel
- Head of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Public Policy, Europe, Middle East, and Africa - Amazon Web Services
Discussions about the use of LLMs in criminal activities, as well as their utilisation for protection measures within the realm of cybersecurity.
- Marie Sophie Müller
- Program Lead, Solution Accelerator - Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA)

- Quentin Randaxhe
- Country Manager Switzerland - Approach Cyber

- Andrey Suzdaltsev
- CEO & Co-founder - Brightside

- Terry Vogelsang
- Offensive Security Practice Manager - Kudelski Security
Comprehensive peer to peer framework offering data security and privacy while preserving data ownership,

- Gabriel Kafi
- Group Leader Firmware & Security for Connected Devices - CSEM
Conversations about the complexities of integrating AI responsibly across industries, ensuring privacy, safety, and fostering an environment that encourages innovation without compromising ethics.

- Yan Borboën
- Partenaire en Assurance Numérique et Cybersécurité - PwC Switzerland

- Roman Dykhno
- Senior Solution Engineer - Salesforce

- Hugo Flayac
- CEO -

- Athanasios Giannakopoulos
- Engagement Director - Unit8 SA
Exploration of the need for dedicated new executive roles focused on ethical considerations, evaluating the responsibilities, challenges, and potential impacts for organisations

- Laura Tocmacov Venchiarutti
- Co-founder & Managing Director - impactIA foundation
Exploration of the necessity for a comprehensive AI regulatory framework, examining the challenges and requirements, and investigating the implications for organisations

- Ricardo Chavarriaga
- Head Swiss Office - Confederation of Laboratories for AI Research in Europe (CLAIRE)

- Marc Holitscher
- National Technology Officer - Microsoft

- Arman Iranfar
- Head of Artificial Intelligence - CertX

- Prisca Quadroni-Renella
- CEO - AI Legal & Strategy Consulting AG
Leader Digital Assurance & Trust Switzerland and Regional Leader Cybersecurity Western Switzerland
Head Swiss Office
Trust & AI Forum - 20 September 2023 [Registration are closed]
@ unlimitrust campus, 1008 Prilly