Trust Valley Day 2023
5 October 2023
Join us for Trust Valley Day, the annual event that brings together players and experts in cybersecurity and digital trust in Switzerland.
Organized in partnership with the cantons of Vaud and Geneva, EPFL, IHEID, HEIG-VD, HES-SO Genève, UNIGE, UNIL, ELCA, GCSP, Kudelski, SGS, SICPA and Wisekey, this day aims to strengthen cooperation between public, private and academic players, support innovation and foster the emergence of new talent in the field of the trust economy.
During the event, a number of local and international speakers will take part in a wide-ranging reflection on the latest trends and prospects in cybersecurity, the challenges and opportunities facing the industry, with a particular focus on artificial intelligence, talent and the role of public authorities.
The afternoon will be devoted to innovation and entrepreneurship, with the launch of the 5th edition of the Tech4Trust accelerator program. It will be accompanied by discussions on key success factors for entrepreneurs, investment and the role of large corporations and Venture Capitalists (VCs).


- Isabelle Moret
- Conseillère d’État du Canton de Vaud, Cheffe du Département de l’Économie, de l’Innovation, de l’Emploi et du Patrimoine - Canton de Vaud

- Lennig Pedron
- CEO - Trust Valley

- Sergio Alves Domingues
- Chief Technical Officer - Orange Cyberdefense

- Jean Bourgeois

- Patrick Ghion
- Chef du Centre régional de compétences cybernétiques de Suisse occidentale - Republic and State of Geneva
- Paula Reichenberg
- CEO - Neur.on

- Flaminia Giuncato
- Operations and Startups Manager - Trust Valley

- Lennig Pedron
- CEO - Trust Valley

- Josua Rochat
- Programme & Marketing Lead - Trust Valley

- Alexander Barclay
- Délégué au Numérique - Republic and State of Geneva

- Lennig Pedron
- CEO - Trust Valley

- Catherine Pugin
- Déléguée au Numérique - State of Vaud

- Sylvain Métille
- Professeur en Protection des données et droit pénal informatique & Avocat - Université de Lausanne et HDC

- Olivier Crochat
- Executive Director, C4DT - EPFL

- Raymond Loretan
- Chairman of the Board - Swiss Medical Network SA

- Jean-Christophe Makuch
- Head of Digital Technologies - SICPA

- Nicholas Niggli
- Deputy Secretary General - Department of Economy and Employment, Republic and State of Geneva

- Lennig Pedron
- CEO - Trust Valley

- Franziska Spörri
- Co-Head Macroeconomic Support Division, Economic Cooperation and Development - SECO

- Delphine Guex
- Senior Director Managed Detection and Response EMEA - Kudelski Security

- Jean-Marc Rickli
- Responsable des risques mondiaux et émergents - Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)

- Aymeric Riverieulx
- Global Head of Information Security Assurance Services - SGS

- Pascal Steichen
- Chairperson - European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC)

- Jelena Zelenovic
- RSSI - European Investment Bank (EIB)

- Lennig Pedron
- CEO - Trust Valley

- Adrien Treccani
- Fondateur et CEO - Metaco

- Raphaël Conz
- Directeur du Département des Affaires Economiques et de l'Innovation - State of Vaud

- Lajla Aganovic
- Head of Venture Engagement - Logitech

- Gérard Le Roy
- Group CIO - ARYZTA

- Fritz Jost
- Directeur Général B2B - Sygnum Bank
- Jean-Damien Marie
- Directeur Général, Responsable Mondial des Investissements, Banque Privée & Gestion de Patrimoine - Barclays

- Adrien Treccani
- Fondateur et CEO - Metaco

- Line Pillet
- Head Research Institute Entrepreneurship & Management - HES-SO Valais-Wallis

- Martin von Muralt
- Délégué - Réseau national de sécurité

- Yves Pitton
- Chief Business Solutions Officer & Member of the Executive Board - ELCA

- Bahaa Roustom
- Vice President, Marketing & Business Development - CSEM

- Andreas Tölke
- Responsable FinTech & Digital Trust - Swisscom

- Leo Bolchanine
- Senior Information Security Risk Manager - Sygnum

- Vera Steullet
- International Advisor - -

- Yan Borboën
- Partenaire en Assurance Numérique et Cybersécurité - PwC Switzerland

- Roger Dubach
- Ambassador, Deputy Director, Directorate of International Law - EDA - DFAE - FDFA

- Jérôme Duberry
- Managing Director - Tech Hub

- Anne-Marie Kermarrec
- Professeure - EPFL

- Ilia Kolochenko
- Directeur Technique et CEO - ImmuniWeb

- Francesca Bosco
- Chief of Strategy - Cyber Peace Institute

- Christophe Nicolas
- Group Chief Information Officer - Kudelski
On-site registration
Trust Valley Day is an invitation-only event for Trust Valley partners, subject to availability.
The Trust Valley Day broadcast is open
to the public.
Register now!